Please note that we do not allow external promoters that are in direct competition with any of our tenants.
Download our Court Rates.
Download advertising oppertunities.
Leaflet Handouts & Roaming Promoters
Under normal circumstances companies are allowed to have roaming promoters handout leaflets in the mall (except at entrances/exits/ lifts/escalators) but during the Covid pandemic we encourage the option of mascots or promoters roam with signage instead to limit contact. The following rules apply for roaming promoters.Please note that we do not allow the following:
- Promoter stationary at the escalators or lift
- Promoter stationary at the entrances
- Promoters in the parking area
- 1 - 5 Promoters for 1 day= R2 000 incl VAT
- 6 - 10 Promoters for 1 day= R3 500 incl VAT
10 x A1 posters frame rental for 2 weeks = R5 000 inc vat . Artwork must be submitted to us timeously for approval.
Lift & Escalator Branding
1 Month (1 calendar month) rental for 1 set Lift panel R10 000 inc vat.
Current Options:- CHECKERS (ground floor)
- METROPOLITAN (1st floor)
- GYM (2nd floor)
- GAME (ground floor)
- WOOLWORTHS (1st floor)
1 Month (1 calendar month) rental 1 Escalator both sides R10 000 inc vat.
Current Options:- WOOLWORTHS/GAME (panels)
- OLD FOOD COURT (panels)
Please note all installations must be done before or after Trading Hours.
Commercial/Photo Shoot Location
Please send full detailed proposal with dates, times, mechanics, amount of staff and location for consideration.
If you are interested in any of the advertising mediums please feel free to contact the marketing department on - or email